Kamerynn Harrah
code. and sometimes lame jokes
ES6 Destructuring
What is destructuring? ES6 (more formally known as ES2015) brings a lot of helpful language features to Javascript. Arrow functions that make writing method functions easier, block scoping via let, and native support for Promises are some of the features I am most excited about.
A basic REST API in Express
Express, a popular web application framework for Node.js, makes it very easy to set up basic routing for your server, which allows you to configure how your server responds to particular requests. One of the styles of defining these routes that your server responds to is called REST, and it’s...
WebSockets vs. HTTP
I recently discussed the topic of WebSockets with someone, and they asked “Why hasn’t WebSockets gained more traction? It seems much more functional than AJAX!” That piqued my curiosity in the subject, so I decided to evaluate the pros and cons of these two methods of client / server communication....
Brief Neural Network Introduction
Neural networks is a term you see often on programming blogs and startups. I pitched an idea to the other Hack Reactor students, touting that the idea can utilize machine learning and neural networks to do some cool stuff. Of course, I knew nothing about either of those things.
Cookies vs. Tokens for SPAs
Cookie based authentication has been around for a long time. Basically, your browser stores a session ID that is generated and stored on the server. The server holds the users’ session information. But when building a single page application (SPA), the client doesn’t know who the user is or what...